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Supporting Refugees & New Arrivals

SWRLS-funded project Peninsula of Sanctuary - Libraries continues to expand its forum of member libraries across Devon & Cornwall. It's completely free to join and you will have access to a growing bank of resources, free training sessions and interactive discussion.

We're delighted to share a webinar hosted by Hampshire Libraries and freely shared as part of the British Library's Living Knowledge Network called 'Supporting Refugees & New Arrivals: the Snowball Effect'. Well worth watching whether or not your library is hoping to gain Library of Sanctuary status. Watch the webinar here:

And a reminder - it's quick and easy to join the Peninsula of Sanctuary Forum, find out more here.


SWRLS c/o Arts University Plymouth

Tavistock Place, Plymouth,
Devon, PL4 8AT

© 2023 by SWRLS. Charity registered in England and Wales No. 1176414.

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