Thank you to everyone who came along to this year’s Members’ Day, battling through post-election tiredness and a train incident! We were sorry though to miss some frustrated travellers due to mass train cancellations – we hope this blog post can help!
Donna Gundry opened the day with her SWRLS Chair's welcome. Her slides are available if you click the image.
We were happy to welcome Michael Webb (who leads Jisc’s AI team) to talk about challenges and opportunities in AI, giving us lots to think about in relation to libraries. His slides are available to download here and a recording of his talk will follow. UPDATE: please find a recording of Donna's and Michael's talks with Q&A here.
It was also excellent to have John Vincent (The Network) along to chair the roundtable discussion of libraries of sanctuary and ways of welcoming new arrivals, plus Jon Wood (North Somerset library manager) for the discussion of sustainable libraries, with Michael staying for our discussion of AI. There was such great input from SWRLS members on all these topics – very interesting to hear what’s going on, and we appreciated the sparks generated for potential new work in these areas.
Please be in touch if you’re interested in exploring these topics further e.g. through developing a project. More specifically, please get in touch with John if you want to join the Basecamp Forum and/or the Libraries & Museums of Sanctuary JISCMAIL list. His email is In case you’re interested you can also find the SWRLS funded Peninsula of Sanctuary final report here.

Finally Donna gave us a tour of Arts University Plymouth’s library, including wonderful art projects and paintings, followed by a tour of The Box and its fantastic new exhibition The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure.
Thanks again to all who participated. It was my first event as SWRLS Coordinator, and it felt like a great privilege to hear everyone’s thoughts and to spend time with such a lovely bunch! I will look forward next to the AGM at Bristol’s Engine Shed on Wednesday 13th November – watch this space!