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CILIP - Seven Webinars for September

CILIP has announced a brilliant line-up of seven webinars throughout September.

Wednesday 7 September 12.30pm: The value and impact of public libraries

With Christian Lauersen, Director of library and citizen services in Roskilde Municipality, Denmark

How do we understand and talk about the value and impact of a library? And the impact it makes on people and communities?

In Denmark, the debate about public libraries often refers to a handful of established key performance figures, notably how many people visit public libraries and how many items they borrow.

A mixed-method study from Roskilde Libraries in Denmark shows new ways of understanding, studying and talking about the value of the library. It unfolds new insights into what public libraries mean to both individuals and communities.

The ideas outlined in this webinar should prove of interest to all libraries.

Non-member of Employer Partners should use promo code WEBINAR100 on the payment screen to attend at no cost. Individual members should ensure they’re signed in when registering.

Wednesday 7 September 5pm #ebooksos: A global library scandal? With Yohanna Anderson, Subject Librarian for the School of Natural and Social Sciences at the University of Gloucestershire

You are warmly invited to join the ILIG Informal by Zoom, to hear Yohanna Anderson lead a discussion into the #ebook sos campaign in the UK and globally, explore the library profession’s role in countering these issues, and the long-term consequences if they are not addressed.

The COVID 19 pandemic escalated an already prohibitive and unsustainable library ebook market into an electronic content crisis in 2020. Faced with rocketing costs and increasingly restrictive licence terms, academic librarian Yohanna Anderson was one of the founders of #ebooksos. #ebooksos began as a UK-based campaign with the goal of securing a full investigation into the dysfunctional ebook market. Since launch, the #ebooksos team have been inundated with messages from librarians across the globe experiencing similar challenges.

Yohanna will discuss the need and the potential for international stakeholder collaboration to end the ebook crisis and to make the market fair and equitable for all. The ongoing campaign has received sector-wide support and media interest

Thursday 15th September 10am. Opening the doors…working in government and parliamentary services in Wales

With Jody Parker Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Helen Blockwell Welsh Government, Emma Harvey-Woodason Welsh Government, Beth Hall Natural Resources Wales.

Find out more about information services across government and parliament in Wales

Career opportunities in government and parliamentary information services and mapping your skills. A panel session to cover current challenges and opportunities and your questions

Wednesday 21st September 12.30pm Data Driven Librarianship powered by Nielsen BookData, recognised by CILIP: Discovery Module Update

With Jo Shaw and Shrenik Singhavi of Nielsen BookData

Following our successful Data Driven Librarianship sessions in 2021, and our Research Module Update earlier this year, this session will revisit metadata and how a bibliographic record drives the book supply chain.

This update module will focus on metadata fields that are becoming increasingly important such as trends and increased interest around sustainability information for book products. We will also revisit Thema and update you on the latest developments in the classification of data to help improve stock selection and signpost titles in areas such as diversity, accessibility and disability.

Wednesday 21st September 7.30pm Shut up and write session for Professional Registration

Undertaking CILIP Professional Registration? Finding it hard to concentrate on getting evidence written?

Then please come along to our first one-hour session, which will allow you to focus on an aspect of your Registration. What you choose to do will be up to you, but this will give you the opportunity to find time and head space to work on either your Certification, Chartership and Fellowship.

Friday 23rd September 11am. Banned Books Week 2022 – Libraries unite to fight censorship

With Martyn Wade, Head of the CILIP Policy Committee and the IFLA Advisory Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression, Sue John, a Director of Glasgow Women’s Library, and Wendy Kirk, GWL Librarian.

For Banned Books Week 2022, let’s come together to join our sector’s worldwide collective action against the threat of censorship: making the most of our skills, experience and professionalism to fight for intellectual freedom.

Friday 30th September 11am. A Personal and Poetical Journey Through Libraries – #WINspiration

With Nadine Aisha Jassat

Join acclaimed author and creative practitioner Nadine Aisha Jassat for this unique Libraries Week #WINspiration as she shares reflections on her personal and poetical journey through libraries, from a child borrowing everything she could find in her local community library, to a writer whose work is displayed in the National Library of Scotland now, with many an adventure and poem in-between.

Nadine will in particular share work which engages with the impact that libraries had on her journey, and their importance to her now – and the session will include a creative activity enabling participants to explore their own reflections, too.

SWRLS c/o Arts University Plymouth

Tavistock Place, Plymouth,
Devon, PL4 8AT

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