The SWRLS Grant Scheme supports projects and initiatives which deliver our objectives. Bids of £200 - £10,000 are welcome and individuals can also bid for support to attend external courses and conferences up to £1000. Apart from the individual training grants, bids must have at least 2 partners (which can be from the same library sector) and all leads must be SWRLS members. From 2023/24 until 2025/26 SWRLS particularly welcomes applications which support Health & Wellbeing and reduce Financial Inequalities. Read our updated Guidance to find out more.
Guidance and information for grant applicants
Initiative grant application form

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SWRLS presents two awards to a member service and individual staff member annually.
The SWRLS CIO Personal Achievement Award (£100 voucher and certificate) will be awarded to an individual member of staff working in a SWRLS member library service who has gone the extra mile and acknowledges the achievement of those that make a real difference to the library and wider community in which they work. Judges will be looking for the benefit to others be that other staff and/or library users.
The SWRLS CIO Initiative Award (£300 for lead library service and certificates for all involved) will be awarded to an initiative or project led by a SWRLS member library service and that has taken place in the geographic area covered by SWRLS. Non- members, including non-library partners, may be partners in the initiative/project. Judges will be looking for transferability to other library services, benefit to others, innovation and originality.
Nominations will be assessed by members of the SWRLS Board of Trustees. Nominations may be made at any time. The annual deadline is the 15 August, with the award for that year being made in the autumn.
For further information on criteria and how to apply, please read the SWRLS Award criteria